Simply the best little village magazine in Sussex!
Established in May 1971 and still going strong!

Welcome to Fairwarp's Village Magazine, The Fairwarp Echo. Established in 1971, The Echo includes local information : diary dates, church services, advertising for events in the village as well as regular features including:
'From the Woodshed' - Aunt Ada Doom's 'gardening' page,
Children's activity page
Local group features: including Historical Society, Fairwarp Football Club U11 team etc
Foresters Arms updates
Parish/District Council newsletters and Nus Ghani newsletter (when provided)
Monthly feature page - on any subject whatsoever... often written by local people about an event they have experienced etc
and other articles to interest and entertain.
New subscribers are welcome at any time of the year. To instigate delivery please email the editor: Helen Rowland on MHelenM.Rowland@gmail.com to confirm name and address details for the local/postal delivery.
Subscription Charges
For the Echo year May 2022-April 2023:
Current subscription central village location: £6.00 per annum.
Postal (outside central village): £13.62 (note: this figure is £6.00 plus 2nd class postage)
For the Echo year May 2023-April 2024:
£6.00 plus postage (which may need to be updated when the Echo year begins and Royal Mail postage increases will be incorporated.)
Submissions/articles are welcome from anyone on any subject - inclusion is the Editor's decision. Articles in connection with the village: events, activities, experience, etc are particularly welcome. If help is required to format an article that can be provided.
Make BACS payments to :
The Fairwarp Echo
Sort code: 309897
Account number: 5898960
Please email Helen to let her know you have paid
Advertising pages are printed once a year commencing May. Contact the Editor for current advertising prices.