Fairwarp and Duddleswell Local History Society

About the Society
The Fairwarp and Duddleswell Local History Society (FADLHS) aims to develop and foster an interest in and appreciation of the local history of the village of Fairwarp and the area of Ashdown Forest known as Duddleswell.
The Society will encourage participation of local residents and any other interested parties in contributing information, documents and artefacts for the society to make available by publication, via journals such as the local newsletter, electronic media such as the community website and social media.
The Society aims to ensure that historical information about the people, events, buildings and geography of the local area shall be preserved for future interested parties to access (e.g. via submission to the archives held at The Keep*).
You can contact the society at info@fadlhs.org.uk
Membership and Funding
Membership of The Society shall initially be free and The Society may, at some future time, request members to pay a fee for membership should there be a need for funds to further the aims of the society.
The Society may obtain, collect and receive money and funds by way of donations, contributions, affiliations, subscriptions, legacies, grants and any other lawful method.
The Society may affiliate to or accept affiliation from any body having similar objects to those of The Society.
All matters of funding and affiliation shall be decided by the Committee.
Membership of The Society shall be decided by the Committee.
No request for membership of The Society shall be unfairly refused.
Funds shall be used only to achieve the Objects of the Society as stated in this constitution.
The Society shall be governed and run by a committee herein referred to as the Committee. The Committee shall be constituted of a chairperson, secretary, treasurer and any other person elected to the committee by the members at an Annual General Meeting at which the chairperson, secretary and treasurer shall also be elected.
The Committee shall meet no fewer than four times a year. The quorum of the Committee shall be no less than three people.
* The Keep is a purpose built archive and historical resource centre which stores, conserves and gives the public access to the records of its three managing partners: The East Sussex Record Office, The University of Sussex Special Collections, and the Royal Pavilion and Museums Local History Collections