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Friends of Christ Church, Fairwarp

The Friends of Christ Church, Fairwarp was formed to help preserve the Church and its surrounding Church Yard for the benefit of all who reside in, are visitors to or have affection for the Parish and the surrounding areas for now and for the future.


None of the funds are spent on any costs incurred for worship in the church or in support of the diocese.


Everyone is welcome to become a friend


Any individual or organisation can apply for membership of The Friends be they


  • a local resident

  • a member of the electoral role

  • someone who occasionally worships in the church

  • someone who feels an attachment as a result of a baptism, a wedding, a funeral or other memorial service having been conducted in Christ Church

  • someone who wishes to see Christ Church maintained for the future

  • a local organisation or society


Indeed, membership is open to all individuals and every local organisation which wishes to preserve Christ Church for the benefit of future generations.


Thank you for your support


Caty Worlock Pope (Chair of the Trustees)


Please download the membership form below and return it to Caty Worlock Pope, Nursery Cottage, Nursery Lane, Nutley, Uckfield, East Sussex, TN22 3NR. 


Download the Membership form


If for some reason you cannot download the form, please contact Caty: please email her on, ring her on 01825 713884 or write to her at the above address and she will send you one.

How to become a Friend of Christ Church, Fairwarp

What is the history of the charity?


The Charity was set up in 2015 by Russell Davison, Richard Thorne, Lorne Duncan and Alan Hooper with the aim of preserving Christ Church for now and for the future.  They are the founding trustees of the Friends of Christ Church Fairwarp.


What is the relationship between the Friends and the Parochial Church Council (PCC)?


The Friends, as a legally separate entity, collaborates with the PCC to maintain and preserve the Christ Church and its surrounding for now and for the future.


How does this work?


The PCC identifies what needs to be done to the Church, finds out how much it will cost, and then formally approaches the Friends of Christ Church who will then consider funding the work.  There is no obligation on the Friends to agree to any funding.


Why is there the option to subscribe a different amount from the basic £24 per annum (or £2 per month) on the application form?

Some Questions and Answers

We do not want to exclude anyone from being a Friend, but for those who might be able to afford more we would greatly appreciate them considering £60 per annum, or even £120 per annum (£5 or £10 per month, respectively).


What do I get as a Friend?


As a Friend, you are able to participate in deciding how the funds will be spent and you will also receive a saving in the price of tickets for events held in the Church in conjunction with the Friends of Christ Church.


As a Friend, what extra can I do to help?


Of course, there are always things to be done – helping with events, helping to keep the Church Yard clear, volunteering to man the Church on open days, etc. etc. – but by just becoming a Friend you will make a difference.

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