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Thought for the day 12th April 2020

Fairwarp Community Society

Easter Day: the day of Resurrection. How strange not to be at church for this great festival! Over the past three years, while I’ve been parish priest in Fairwarp, we’ve had a great turn-out for the Easter service, and the day has been one of infectious joy. This year, infection is our fear. But the Easter story has the capacity to turn fear into courage, anxiety into confidence. St John’s Gospel tells us that Mary Magdalene, who in agony of heart had seen Jesus suffer and die, came first to the borrowed tomb. Meeting the risen Christ, who spoke her name, Mary knew that Jesus was still her teacher, her rabbi. Peter, whose fear had prompted him to deny Jesus three times, came also to believe the astonishing news of the Resurrection. He would become the bold leader of the new Christian community.

Easter is about transformation. The Easter events transformed the followers of Jesus. And we too can be transformed by rooting ourselves in the conviction of the Resurrection, turning our fear into courage, our anxiety into confidence. Alleluia! Christ is risen. He is risen indeed. Alleluia!

Fr John

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