A meeting was held in the Village Hall Fairwarp on February 25th at 3pm to inaugurate a Women’s Institute. In spite of a very wet afternoon there was quite a good attendance, about 30 being present. Mrs. Huddart gave an address after which it was unanimously decided to form a W.I. in Fairwarp. The meetings to be held in the Village Hall on the third Tuesday of every month at 3pm; the first to be on March 15th.
The following officers were then elected. President – Miss Barchard, Vice-President – Mrs. Ince, Treasurer – Mrs. Shakerly Ackers, Hon. Sec. – Miss S. Barchard.
Committee – Mrs. Anderson, Mrs. Burgess, Mrs. S. Cottingham, Mrs. Davis, Miss Nixon, Mrs. Swanwick.
The first monthly meeting was held on March 15th.
Mrs. Medlicolt Ross was the speaker. Gave an address on 'Household Renovation and Repairs'.
An exhibition of needlework done by girls in the school was held – the chief feature of which was the renovation work. Tea was given by the Committee. 49 members were enrolled.
...Mrs. Sharpe gave a lecture on 'Poultry and Egg Production'. A Cake Competition was to have been held, but owing to the coal strike and difficulty of getting fuel only three cakes were brought. It was decided to postpone the competition until later in the year.
...members were invited by Mrs. Barchard to Horsted Place on June 3rd. About 40 members were able to go. A motor lorry was hired to take those who did not drive or bicycle...
...An Exhibition of Garden Produce was to have been held, the exhibits to be sold for the benefit of the WI, but owing to the exceptional prolonged drought, nobody had anything to exhibit...
Christmas Social
This was held in Fairwarp School. Proceeds began with tea at 4pm to which children taking part in the entertainment were invited. Then followed a song 'Christmas Stockings' by the small children in nightgowns, and 'The Goblin’s Christmas Joke' – a Christmas play with songs and dances by the older children.
Angela H. Tilly
As many of the people mentioned above were long before my time, I must apologise to anyone concerned for possible mis-spellings of names. The records are handwritten and in many cases difficult to read.