Contact: Mrs Emma Lomas
Work Phone: 01825 760285
Work Email: elomas84@gmail.com
The small and tuneful Christ Church choir leads our singing of hymns and psalms during the weekly sung Parish Eucharist at 9.30 am on Sundays.
For special occasions in the church year – for example the annual Carol Service on Christmas Eve at 4.00 pm – the choir is generally augmented by singers from Holy Cross, Uckfield; and other local singing groups. The choir repertoire is generally fairly traditional, and singing is either accompanied by the organ or is acapella.
We are always looking for new members, male or female, of any age or ability, although being able to read music is a bonus! Practices are fortnightly on Thursday evenings at 7.00 pm, and a local organist, Mr Geoff West, usually accompanies. If you’d like more details, or want to discuss how to join the choir, contact Mrs Emma Lomas on 01825-760285, or email elomas84@gmail.com